
The Sin Virus

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Tigueron's avatar

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In the world of the show The Walking Dead, an airborne virus has spread throughout the earth and has become part of the surviving humans. The virus becomes fully active once a person dies and they become zombified, a reanimated corpse.  One can imagine a zombified person to itself is the most free. It is free of many of the things that make us human. Free of responsibility, free of emotion, free of law and order, among other things. It can focus solely on its desires.

Sin is like that virus, in which once a person dies spiritually it takes hold and transforms that person in similar fashion. Sin, like that zombie virus is relentless, indiscriminate, and all consuming. Those that have been given over to sin can see things the same way. Free to do as one's heart desires, without fear. However, those who are on the outside (survivors if you will) see things with a much different perspective. They can see how that "freedom" is more of a bondage and how destructive it is to the host and at times to the world around it.

Zombies are enslaved by an all-consuming desire to satiate a hunger that can never be satiated. It is similar with Sin, people have an all-consuming desire to do as they please, and many can't see their own bondage to the desires that enslave them. As an addict may feel free in their delusional high, those on the outside see the true reality. A zombie's reality is only his own, and it is one that never moves from the present moment. Some have been given over to their sin and we can see these traits clearly in them.

Fortunately hope still abounds, though many have a spirit on life support a cure for death was introduced to the world over 2 millennia ago. Zombies show an imitation of life in their reanimation, they are walking dead after all. The cure for death, of course is life, and only one has ever come in history claiming to be just that. Being the only one to have conquered death, He is more than qualified to give that victory to those He so chooses to. The good news is that He so chooses whosoever asks to be chosen!

There is no freedom in sin, we were all slaves to sin. While we were yet sinners, Jesus Christ paid the price on the cross and purchased our freedom. Our chains fell, are shackles loosened, and our prison doors opened. However, it is our choice to accept our freedom and walk out of our former prison and be raised from death to life.

"I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."  -- Jesus the Christ
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ArtCrawl's avatar
This was a really profound observation. I really like how you used a popular show to get your point across. I feel it makes it lot more relatable, interesting and easy to understand. Fantastic work. :D